Elder Law & Guardianships

Elder Law & Guardianships

Elder Law & Guardianship Professional Attorneys At Stevens Point

Practicing Attorneys

Attorneys Katherine A. Young and Amy J. Eddy

Our elder law and guardianship lawyers in Stevens Point are dedicated to providing solutions. Many legal uncertainties impact the care and well-being of the elderly and their families. Our elder and guardianship law attorneys are dedicated to providing solutions, and we specialize in developing prompt and powerful actions to resolve these complex legal problems.

We believe it is essential to provide the clear and simple communication necessary to properly understand your situation and the legal options available to you.

Nursing Home Planning

The process of nursing home planning is the formulation of a plan that provides for a loved one’s nursing home care while preserving their assets for either their spouse’s use or their beneficiaries’ inheritance. Our elder law and guardianship lawyers in Stevens Point will work with you to formulate a plan that considers your individual circumstances and is designed to meet your particular needs.


Medicaid (also called Medical Assistance) is a joint federal-state program that provides health insurance coverage to low-income children, seniors, and people with disabilities. In addition, it covers care in a nursing home for those who qualify. Our attorneys have specialized knowledge of the Medicaid resource and income rules, transfer penalties, spousal protections, liens, and estate recovery.

Special Needs Trusts

Supplemental needs trusts (also known as “special needs” trusts) allow a disabled beneficiary to receive gifts, lawsuit settlements, inheritances or other funds and yet not lose eligibility for certain government programs that may pay for nursing home care. We can assist you with preparing these types of trusts and insure that the trust is drafted so that the funds will not be considered to belong to the beneficiary in determining eligibility for public benefits. We can also provide access to “pooled trusts” which pool the resources of many disabled beneficiaries, and have the added advantage that at the beneficiary’s death the state does not have to be repaid for its Medicaid expenses paid on behalf of the beneficiary.


If a loved one becomes incapable of making responsible decisions due to infirmities of aging or a mental disability, the court will appoint a substitute decision maker, often called a “guardian.” We can assist you with the legal documents and court appearances necessary to obtain a guardianship.


Our Stevens Point attorneys can also assist with petitions to the probate court for the voluntary appointment of a “conservator,” if an individual determines that he or she is unable to manage his or her financial affairs, but can decide to have a conservator appointed.

Medical Directives

If you are unable to make health care decisions for yourself, you can designate someone to make those decisions for you with a Power of Attorney for Health Care. You can also give instructions to your health care provider, through a living will, to withdraw life support if you are terminally ill or in a vegetative state. We can help you decide which documents meet your needs and assist you with the document preparation. Our attorneys can also provide you with a wide variety of other estate planning services. See Estate Planning and Probate.

Elder Abuse

Our elder law attorneys can discuss the legal avenues available if you or someone you love is the victim of physical, emotional or financial abuse, as well as assist you with obtaining access to resources and support.

Are you looking for legal advice?

Let one of our experienced attorneys assist you today.

Employment & Labor Law

Employment & Labor Law

Most Trusted Employment & Labor Lawyer in Stevens Point

Practicing Attorney

Attorney Brian G. Formella

Our skilled employment and labor lawyer in Stevens Point is proficient in working with local, state, and federal agencies, as well as representing clients in state and federal courts. Our attorney is experienced in matters involving discrimination, wrongful discharge, and wage and hour disputes.

Administration of Agreements
Discrimination Hearings
Disability Law
Employment Agreements
Employee Handbooks and Policy Development
Family and Medical Leave
Grievance Representation
Non-Competition Agreements
Title VII & WI Fair Employment Act
Wage & Hour; Fair Labor Standards Act
Wrongful Discharge

We advocate for preventive strategies to avoid unnecessary legal problems and litigation to keep your business operating as productively as possible. Attorney Formella assists employers in developing policies affecting their entire workplace as well as consulting on individual cases. Our comprehensive legal services include assistance in drafting employee handbooks and non-compete and confidentiality agreements.

In addition, Attorney Formella is well-versed in labor matters, from union campaigns to collective bargaining negotiations, grievance arbitration, interest arbitration, decertifications, and all aspects of labor contract administration.

The risk to employers of all sizes has increased as more legislation governing the rights of employees and the obligations of employers has been enacted. Our firm’s employment law attorney is current on new and pending legislation and is prepared to assist employers to meet these new requirements.

Are you looking for legal advice?

Let one of our experienced attorneys assist you today.

Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning

Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning

Dedicated Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning Lawyers in Stevens Point

Estate Planning Attorneys 2024
Back Row: Attorneys Katherine A. Young, Steven H. Thompson, and Heather M. Huebner
Front Row: Attorneys Dave M. James, Amy J. Eddy, and Keith J. Pilger

Primary Estate Planning

Wills of all types
Trusts (Revocable and Irrevocable)
Marital Property Agreements
Financial (Durable) Powers of Attorney
Health Care Powers of Attorney
Living Wills (Regarding Life Support)
Gifts To Minors

Other Estate Planning Services

Business Succession Planning
Medicaid (Nursing Home) Counseling
Business Buy-Sell Agreements
Planning For Retirement

Advanced Estate Planning

Avoiding Probate Procedures
Life Insurance Trusts
Generation-Skipping Trusts
Family Limited Partnerships
Family Limited Liability Companies
Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts
Qualified Personal Residence Trusts
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Other Estate Tax Reduction Strategies

Estate Settlements

Settlements Without Probate
Probate Procedures
Summary Settlements

Our Stevens Point wills and trusts attorneys have the knowledge and experience to provide you with a wide assortment of estate planning and family business planning services and products. From the simple to the sophisticated, whether your estate is of modest size or substantial, we have the expertise to achieve your estate planning objectives.

Our estate planners keep up-to-date with all aspects of the constantly changing transfer tax provisions of the Internal Revenue Code to take advantage of favorable planning strategies.

You will be the center of this planning. We carefully listen to your goals and concerns and we tailor our planning for your situation.

Wills and Trusts

There are many kinds of Wills and Trusts. Deciding which is best for you depends upon your needs and preferences. You may designate the beneficiaries of your estate, select the guardian of your minor children, make specific bequests and designate your personal representative.

Saving Taxes

It is often possible to save a substantial amount in reduced estate taxes and income taxes. Saving taxes is frequently a primary reason for doing estate planning. We will inform you of these tax savings opportunities.

Probate/Avoiding Probate

We can assist you in preparing a revocable living trust and other documents that may be used to transfer property to your beneficiaries without probate. Also, our attorneys have extensive experience in handling probates of all sizes, both formal and informal administration, and of summary settlement techniques, when such procedures are necessary.

Power Of Attorney

We want you to be in control of your future and finances. Our Stevens Point wills and trusts attorneys can assist you by preparing a Financial Power of Attorney and a Health Care Power of Attorney. With a Financial Power of Attorney, you can designate the person of your choice to handle your finances and banking if you ever become incapacitated.

With a Health Care Power of Attorney, you can designate the person of your choice to make health care decisions on your behalf if you are ever unable to make those decisions yourself.

Business Transfers

We prepare Buy-Sell Agreements for owners of closely held businesses and we advise owners about tax and other considerations when transferring a business upon retirement or death.

Advanced Tax Reduction Techniques

We can advise you of the availability, benefits and risks of using numerous sophisticated tax reduction procedures. These procedures and strategies may include (but are not limited to): insurance trusts, family partnerships, generation-skipping gifts, charitable remainder trusts, and grantor retained interest trusts.

Are you looking for legal advice?

Let one of our experienced attorneys assist you today.

Probate & Trust Settlements

Probate & Trust Settlements

Reliable Probate & Trust Settlement Lawyers in Stevens Point

Attorneys Heather M. Huebner, Katherine A. Young, and Amy J. Eddy

Our attorneys are experts in the following areas:

Sale or Distribution of Assets to Beneficiaries
Informal and Formal Probate Proceedings
Inventories, Accounting and other Probate Documents
Special Administrations
Settlement of Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts
Transfers of Assets to Designated Beneficiaries Outside of Probate
Estate, Gift and Fiduciary Tax Returns
Establishing Guardianships
Terminating and Modifying Guardianships
Trusts for Minor Children
Special Needs Trusts

When a death occurs, it is always a difficult time for the friends and family of the deceased. 

Our probate and trust settlement expert lawyers in Stevens Point can assist family members with navigating the process to ensure that the deceased’s wishes are carried out.

Are you looking for legal advice?

Let one of our experienced attorneys assist you today.

Nursing Home Planning

Nursing Home Planning

Caring Nursing Home Planning Lawyers in Stevens Point

Practicing Attorneys

Attorneys Katherine A. Young and Amy J. Eddy

Nursing Home Planning

The process of nursing home planning is the formulation of a plan that provides for a loved one’s nursing home care while preserving their assets for either their spouse’s use or their beneficiaries’ inheritance.

Our nursing home planning attorneys in Stevens Point will work with you to formulate a plan that considers your individual circumstances and that is designed to meet your particular needs.

Asset Protection
How Medicaid Works
Long-Term Care Planning

Are you looking for legal advice?

Let one of our experienced attorneys assist you today.