Attorneys David M. James, Keith J. Pilger, and Steven H. Thompson
Anderson O’Brien, LLP’s team of the best tax planning lawyers in Stevens Point helps businesses and individuals plan ahead for optimum tax savings and minimum liability and risk.
We perform research and tax planning for income taxes, state sales and use taxes, franchise taxes, property taxes, gift and estate taxes, employment taxes, social security taxes, and excise taxes.
Estate Planning
Election of the Appropriate Tax Entity for Businesses
Retirement Planning
Tax Advice
Tax-Exempt Status for Nonprofit Organizations
Tax Research and Planning
Tax planning assistance to clients frequently includes:
Assessing tax advantages and disadvantages of business entities to determine which provides the most benefits: a corporation, S corporation, LLC, LLP, partnership, or sole proprietorship.
Conducting tax-free exchanges and rollovers including of real estate and other investment properties.
Establishing and implementing qualified or non-qualified retirement plans.
Obtaining tax-exempt status for nonprofit organizations with the IRS.
Tax planning relating to the sale or purchase of a business or the transfer of family businesses or other assets.
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