When thinking about workers’ compensation injuries, workers understandably focus on the immediate necessities of (1) getting medical expenses paid...

Permanent Partial Disability and How it Could Affect You.

When thinking about workers’ compensation injuries, workers understandably focus on the immediate necessities of (1) getting medical expenses paid and (2) wage replacement for missed work. Medical expenses and wage replacement, also known as, temporary total disability (TTD) or temporary partial disability (TPD) make up two out of the three main workers’ compensation benefits. However, workers need to make sure they are taking advantage of the third main benefit afforded under Wisconsin Workers’ Compensation law: permanent partial disability (PPD).
Because workers’ compensation is a no-fault system, there is no payment for pain and suffering, as there is in normal fault-based claims like auto accidents or slips and falls. That said, Wisconsin’s Workers’ Compensation law does allow for payment for permanent functional loss or impairment caused by a work injury. When an injured worker’s doctor decides that the worker has reached an “end of healing” or “healing plateau,” the doctor may assign a percentage of permanent disability to the affected body part. This rating takes into account the permanent losses the employee will have such as, range of motion, loss of endurance, weakness, pain, and other elements.
This percent of functional disability is determined by the worker’s treating physician. Wisconsin PPD ratings are not required to follow the American Medical Association (AMA) Disability Guidelines. The ratings are left up to the discretion of the treating physician with some guidance from the AMA. Also, there are certain scheduled injuries and surgeries that will qualify a worker for a minimum percentage, e.g. total knee or total shoulder replacement would equal 50% minimum.
In terms of calculating the PPD benefit, the PPD percentage assigned is multiplied by the number of weeks the total body part is “worth” if the body part was completely lost. For example, a shoulder is “worth” 500 weeks, this means if a worker’s entire shoulder was amputated, he or she would be entitled to 500 weeks of PPD. If a doctor assigns the worker, for example, 12% PPD to the injured shoulder, that worker is entitled to 60 weeks of PPD payments (.12 x 500). For injuries occurring after January 1, 2025, the PPD weekly rate is $446. To illustrate, the 12% PPD for a shoulder injury, occurring after January 1, 2025 is worth $26,760 (.12 x 500 x $446).
While PPD benefits are not huge sums of money, especially compared to personal injury awards, these are claims that injured workers need to make sure they are asking their treating physicians about once an end of healing is reached. Even a few percentage points of permanency can provide the injured worker needed compensation during a very stressful period.
If you have been injured at work and have questions, or your work compensation claim has been denied by the insurance company, please reach out to our experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorneys for assistance.