Go Buy An Umbrella

The above title is not encouraging you to buy something to protect you from the rain! It refers to purchasing an umbrella insurance policy to protect you and your family from liability claims, and to provide you with ample coverage for your losses due to injuries sustained in an auto accident. The typical cost for a $1,000,000 umbrella policy can be as little as $200 or $300 per year. This is a bargain for an additional $1,000,000 in protection.
As attorneys, not only do we represent clients, we also counsel them. One of my favorite topics to discuss with clients is having adequate insurance, including the purchase of “umbrella” coverage. This coverage refers to an extra layer of protection on top of your existing insurance coverage, of at least $1,000,000 or more, to protect you in case you have personal liability in an auto accident or under your homeowner’s policy. The umbrella policy you purchase should also include an endorsement to apply to your underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage on your automobile insurance policy. Some insurance companies may offer an umbrella policy you can purchase, and some may not. Some insurance companies may sell you an umbrella policy that applies to liability coverage only, for example, if you are at fault under your homeowner or auto policy. However, you need to consider being insured by a company that offers an umbrella policy that covers liability and has an endorsement to cover underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage in case you sustain serious injuries in an auto accident. You need to specifically ask for all three of these protections to have the best protection possible.
The reason for having an umbrella policy is to simply provide a significant increase in insurance coverage for a very low cost. In our practice, we see all types of auto accidents, and homeowner’s liability issues, and the first thing we ask our clients when they come to us is what type of insurance is available from the other party, and from our client. All too often we must tell our clients that the person who ran into them with their vehicle either had no insurance, or minimum insurance limits. We then look to our client’s insurance policy for potential additional coverage, and if they have low underinsured or low uninsured coverage there may be very little we can do to obtain compensation for our clients for their significant losses. Given the high cost of medical care, injured parties can easily sustain tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills, in addition to significant wage loss and potential permanent disability preventing future earnings. If you have an umbrella policy of at least $1,000,000 that applies to liability and uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage, you will have a better chance of protecting yourself and obtaining full compensation for your injuries.
In summary, go buy an umbrella policy to protect yourself and your family. In order to give yourself full protection, you need to tell your insurance agent that you need the umbrella policy to cover (1) liability for home and auto, and (2) an endorsement so that the umbrella applies to your underinsured and uninsured automobile coverage. If you have any questions about an umbrella policy, please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to discuss it further with you.